Power Station of Art, Shanghai | One Minute Series | Veter Strikken

Power Station of Art, Shanghai | One Minute series | Veter Strikken met één hand

One Minute “Veter Strikken” (made with weerhandig.nl) is included in the series “How To”, curated by Hans Aarsman. On exhibition in Museum De Pont, Tilburg. (until august 24, 2014).

A special edition will be held at Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China, opening june 11 2014. Here the film will be part of the “How To” and “Best Of” series. howto_uitnodiging

The One Minutes is an international platform for very short video works. Since 1999 more than 10,000 one-minute films have been produced by makers from 120 countries. How To, the exhibition conceived by Hans Aarsman, deals with convenient tips. It is a compilation of short films that teach us something within one minute. What do you do, for instance, if you have to tie your shoes and have only one hand free? By way of The One Minutes, Aarsman had a message sent to artists, asking them whether they would be interested in making short films with such convenient tips as the subject matter. Some of these are now on view in De Pont’s project space.

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powerstation of art

MOSA Discussions 1 – 5 (Live talkshow registration)

Mosa Discussions

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This talkshow (in Dutch) is organized twice annually by Royal Mosa in their showroom in Amsterdam. In this example a summary of edition 4 with Daan Roosegaarde, Ton Venhoeven and Tracy Metz.

Film clips selected by the participants are projected on screens and used to enliven the discussion. Full HD registration with 4 camera’s. Two camera’s are also used for projection on the side screens. This is a very short summary. Longer version will be released on ArchiNed later this year.

Get in touch for more information.

Aqua Zumba (promo video)

Aqua Zumba

[sc:CHINALINK vid=”aquazumba”]

Quickly paced film promoting Aqua Zumba courses. Part of a series of six films made for swimming pool De Zandzee in Bussum, the Netherlands.

  • 200.000 Youtube hits! (see youtube page)
  • Used online and on screens in the reception area of the pool.
  • Camera, editing
  • Underwater filming (see example below)

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Antonie Kamerling for Schoolbank.tv

Antonie Kamerling for Schoolbank.tv

[sc:CHINALINK vid=”schoolbank”]

An interview with dutch soap star Antonie Kamerling, about his school days

  • made for Schoolbank t.v.
  • camera, editing
  • leader design
  • music

Heineken Experience Promo

Heineken Experience Promo

[sc:CHINALINK vid=”heineken”]

Een promo voor een interactieve tool in het Heineken Experience in Amsterdam, gemaakt voor Bitmove.

  • Filming, editing, titles

Museum for Communication

Museum for Communication

[sc:CHINALINK vid=”museumvoorcommunicatie”]

Short in house film projection for the Museum for Communication in The Hague to draw attention to an interactive game.

  • Commissioned by Bitmove
  • Camera, music, editing

Lutherhof, Village in the city

Lutherhof, Village in the City


Village in the City gives an impression of life inside The Lutherhof in Amsterdam. This court of almshouses has offered protected housing for over a 100 years. It used to be a diaconal institution for old, destitute Evangelical-Lutheran women. Deaconesses took care of the residents when they were ill and offered a listening ear. Today, singles of all ages live in the Lutherhof: women and men, Lutheran and non-Lutheran, religious and non-religious. However, the diaconal principles – paying attention to and helping each other out  – still apply here. Everyone has their own front door, but there is, nevertheless, a sense of community in the Lutherhof; something very special in the middle of a more and more hectic, anonymous and individualistic Amsterdam.

We get to know several residents who live together around the courtyard that’s like the core of a village. After several moves and a period of getting used to the place, they’ve finally found peace here. They show us around their home and talk about what it is like to live in the Lutherhof, their past and their faith. We see how the Lutherhof functions like a microcosm of society in general, with its own rules and values.

  • Camera, sound
  • A film by Sharis Coppens
  • Selected for several film festivals
  • Dutch spoken, english subtitles available
  • More information: dorpindestad.nl
  • Released 2012

Sustainable Amsterdam

Sustainable Amsterdam

[sc:CHINALINK vid=”amsterdamduurzaam”]

A short promo for the city of Amsterdam, used on the website to promote an event for sustainability. Filmed on a market in De Jordaan, Amsterdam. All reactions are genuine. The interviewees complement and finish each others sentences.

  • Camera, editing
  • Commissioned by Yune